Monday, January 18, 2010

State sponsors of terrorism?

The US State Department just released its latest list of countries it considers state sponsors of terrorism.  It includes countries that nobody thinks belong there and leaves others that just about everybody think belong on the list.  We leave off a nation that shot down a commercial airliner because it was not identified properly (in international airspace).  The US allows persons to remain in the country that have international arrest warrants related to terrorism. Yet the US condemns other nations that have ex-terrorists within its borders as a result of agreements with the countries where the ex-terrorists come from and prevents them from returning to their homelands.  Many consider this report as authoritative. But in reality, it is a political tool used to frame certain restrictions against other countries.  When will the US quit being the world cop?


  1. In our modern world, we see many different things happening. Now, as the world tries to do something for the hapless in Haiti, we see different political blocks trying to be the lead in the recovery effort. While other countries have been involved in helping Haiti for many years, Johnny come lately appears to want to take the glory. We criticize others for their political views, yet we never criticize ourselves for our lack of respect to other cultures (unless it is to our benefit). Why must we be the big dogs, when we are a minority - but consume a large portion of the fuels of the earth - to tell all what and how to do it

  2. We live in a changing time. As Einstein said, time is relative. We face the destruction of numerous ecosystems along the path of pollution from the leaking oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Soon, this thick goop will damage ecosystems along the southern and eastern coasts of the United States. What damage will occur when it hits the Geoges Bank off Massachusetts? What damage will occur to fish and plankton species as it continues its slow trek up the currents? We as a nation and a world need to look at what the results are of our actions. We need to look at actions by politicians, by world leaders, and by everyday people to see how we will survive to live another day. Time to wake up and try to smell the roses.
